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Product details
File Size: 4129 KB
Print Length: 353 pages
Publisher: Wiley-Blackwell; 1 edition (May 11, 2015)
Publication Date: May 11, 2015
Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC
Language: English
ASIN: B014T25FX6
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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#1,596,524 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)
Surprisingly readable for the lay person. The bottom line is that there is much valid research across the globe documenting vaccines and their link to a whole host of autoimmune and neurological disorder issues from lupus to fibromyalgia to Diabetes Type 1 to Rheumatoid Arthritis to residual seizures in pre-disposed individuals. Who is pre-disposed? That is an evolving area of study, and one that absolutely needs to mature into a screening process before we eliminate exemptions across the board to vac mandates as California has recently done. It is insane. Whatever benefit vaccines have conferred to humanity must be weighed against the numerous apparent disorders which have and continue (acc to these studies) to result in many individuals. If you are a registered voter in Cali, stand up for parental rights!
Just got this book and it looks amazing! There is a wealth of research on this topic and much of it is compiled in this highly technical and highly convincing textbook. It's not cheap, but a worthwhile investment for any science geeks who are looking for as much info as possible on this subject. As a physician assistant (PA) trained at Stanford Medical school, I am concerned with the recent push for vaccine mandates when we know that some children will suffer from adverse reactions - ranging from seizures to autoimmune disorders to permanent brain injury or death. Since my main specialty is in working with autoimmune disorders, I find this topic both frightening and fascinating. This book is filled with solid scientific evidence that should encourage doctors to pause before making blanket vaccine recommendations regardless of family history or genetics.
This book is timely, extremely relevant and long overdue. It is filled with science and really offers an understanding and a new language about vaccines in the public domain and finally the mainstream, which does not seek to hide the truth. The truth is that vaccines are medicine and like all medicines, not all formulations are best for each individual. Now we can have some idea of how to identify who they might not be best for and what other alternatives may considered for them. This book legitimizes the paradigm shift, for those who need help making it, to looking at vulnerable individuals and not simply populations at large. This should be a MUST-READ for any pediatrician to see their potential contribution to the immune trajectory of their vulnerable patients.
Buy this, read it, share it with your friends. Tell EVERYONE about this book. It is a must read if you suffer from autoimmunity--especially if your autoimmune condition arose "coincidentally" after receiving a vaccine. There are no coincidences, only excuses to avoid culpability.
I purchased this book because, as a member of a family with autoimmune disease, I wanted to know more about this subject and I heard it was a brand new medical school textbook. I figured it would be extremely informative.I have had the book a couple of weeks now and have purused it. The chapters summarize the existing medical research on the topic of vaccines and autoimmunity. At first, I was concerned there was too much corporate influenced science reflected in the summaries in the book, but after further scrutiny I believe this book is a very credible work, and a landmark one. In at least one case, the editors do mention that a study concluding the vaccine in question did not cause the disease in question was sponsored by the vaccine manufacturer and was therefore probably biased. This information markedly increases my confidence in the summaries provided. In addition, they do not beat around the bush when discussing the subject of aluminum adjuvants and the neurological, genetic, and immune system harm they are known to do. This frank discussion by leading researchers in the field of vaccines and autoimmunity directly contradicts the headlines that regularly scream across magazines, newspapers and web pages, and points the finger at nanonized aluminum adjuvants as a factor in many modern epidemics, including Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, and Autism. The book is an extremely valuable reference to locate the most important studies in any given area.
Remarkably comprehensive review of autoimmune issues and vaccination. The notes and balanced summaries are invaluable.
Awesome. Well written and full of great info.
Vaccines and Autoimmunity should be part of every medical school curriculum! An excellent resource for any medical professional, especially pediatricians.
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