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Clockwork Princess (The Infernal Devices), by Cassandra Clare
PDF Download Clockwork Princess (The Infernal Devices), by Cassandra Clare
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From Booklist
Oh, the angst in the final book in Clare’s Victorian-era steampunk trilogy, Infernal Devices! With the cunning and dangerous Mortmain still on the loose and threatening Shadowhunters everywhere, as well as unresolved feelings still in her heart, bride-to-be Tessa finds it increasingly challenging to get excited about her upcoming nuptials. Still, life must go on, and on and on it goes for Tessa’s resilient people. As Tessa finally learns what she is and what that means to both Mortmain and the world, the choices she must make will affect Shadowhunters and Downworlders forever. While there are a few surprising twists, this series conclusion seems devoted to resolving all of the loose threads and mysteries from the earlier books. Fans will feel great satisfaction in learning the answers to all of the questions from the previous volumes, but they’ll likely feel sadness, too, as the exhilarating saga comes to a close. A must-read for Clare’s fans, this is also highly recommended for followers of Gail Carriger’s Finishing School books and Melissa de la Cruz’s Blue Blood series. Grades 9-12. --Candice Mack
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"Compelling and believable...it may be Clare's best undertaking to date." (Entertainment Weekly)"The unusual, satisfyingly indulgent conclusion will leave fans emotionally satiated. " (Kirkus Reviews)"A must-read." (Booklist)
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Product details
Series: The Infernal Devices (Book 3)
Hardcover: 592 pages
Publisher: Margaret K. McElderry Books; First Edition edition (March 19, 2013)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 141697590X
ISBN-13: 978-1416975908
Product Dimensions:
6 x 1.9 x 9 inches
Shipping Weight: 1.7 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)
Average Customer Review:
4.8 out of 5 stars
3,231 customer reviews
Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#163,783 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)
Clockwork Princess is the stunning conclusion to Cassandra Clare’s the Infernal Devices trilogy. The pacing of the third book is much brisker than its predecessor and immediately drags you into the plot. There are also significantly more scenes with action in them, which help to break up the scenes that steadily move the story along. As with the previous books, the story is very character-driven and continues to bring further depth to each character’s personality.Will continues to be my favourite focus of any scene with his witty comments and sense of humour. It was nice to see him play off his sister at times, because normally only Tessa can manage Will. Although they have been apart for many years they still have a wonderfully authentic relationship, like how easily she is able to get under his skin. Will and Jem’s parabatai relationship, as it was in the previous books, is so real that you can easily imagine the love they have for one another, the pain each feels when the other is hurt, and how they would do anything for each other.It was nice to see the continued development of characters that we’ve grown to love, as well as the new faces that have joined the familiar at the Institute. The number of important characters does not ever feel overwhelming or confusing, as each has been given the time to become established and grow in the world that Cassandra Clare has created. I love each and every one of the characters because they are not only true but integral to the story as a whole.Despite having read this entire series before and knowing what will happen – it is still so brilliantly written that it elicits myriad emotions throughout. Each character feels real and their lives affect your own. A tear slips down my face as one character experiences unbearable pain, while another comes at the thought of losing a character I’ve grown to love so much. A grin overtakes my face in light of the overwhelmingly happy news. The books that I have grown to love are the ones that speak to you, change you, and will forever stay with you.Clockwork Princess is quite possibly the best series finale that I have read and certainly the best final book in a trilogy. Despite the book causing me to cry, multiple times, I never felt dissatisfied with the conclusion. The story comes to a climactic end, then Cassandra Clare takes the final chapter to pull everything together and the epilogue to make me cry again. I loved re-reading this series so much and hope that you are inspired to read it as well.
I love the book series, I've read them twice, working on a third time. The reason why I bought the soft cover set is because I wanted the binding art. The covers have a matte feel to them, they are not glossy and the print quality is nice. I also have the mortal instruments set, and they are glossy, and compared to the mortal instruments set, the infernal devices books are taller. Overall the quality is better compared to tmi. Also, it comes in a box, unlike the other series.
My thoughts are really all over the map as I have just finished this book and though it took me quite a long time to finish it, simply because I couldn't get my head back in the game of reading, it turned out to really envelope me emotionally. I literally cried through chapter 23 and the Epilogue. I also found it to be quite satisfying as the ending of the trilogy. Bittersweet feelings for sure as with any trilogy that the story is "over". As I try to keep my reviews spoiler free, let me just say I was pleasantly surprised by my overall feeling of the book upon completion. In the beginning having such a hard time getting into the book I thought "oh boy, I have to read nearly 600 pages on something I'm just viewing as average..." However that really was my own attitude and not in any way an indication of the book itself because after about 100 pages (which is only through chapter 5 mind you) I was hooked. I was down for about a month, maybe more, in a reading slump and the timing just wasn't right for me to pick this one up at the start but I'm super glad I came back to it and finished it. I would have missed out greatly had I not read the ending to a great story. The conclusion left me very satisfied.Now to the good stuff...and be prepared for quotes because the entire book had a lot of great ones that I absolutely must add in my review.Aw...Jem...and Will....these 2 guys have got to be at the top of my favorite male leads in a book list. I can't pick just one as a favorite, though I know many are huge fans of Will, but I can't pick between them (much like Tessa). From their incredibly loyal and deeply connected friendship to their undying love of the same woman, they are what puts the "awe" in "awesome". The relationship between these guys is more than just friendship and more than brotherhood. Honestly I'm not so sure we have any relationship in life that even comes close to the parabatai relationship. At its core is the principal of undying love and sacrifice and devotion."Jem has always given me exactly what I needed in the way I needed it, even when I did not know myself what I required." (Will)Tessa loves Jem and at the end of book 2, Clockwork Prince, she has agreed to marry him. It's not pity that she feels for him, though he is dying, but it's admiration mixed with love. But her heart is torn because she also deeply loves Will. Is it possible to have this kind of deep love for two people at the same time though? That is a question she battles with."A heart divided against itself cannot stand, as they say. You love them both, and it tears you apart." (Magnus)"It was a near incomprehensible tangle, the three of them, but there was one certainty, and that was that there was no lack of love between them."There are many stories being told in this one book, well this whole trilogy really. Aside from the main characters Jem, Will and Tessa, this book also wraps up nicely the stories of Gabriel, Gideon, Cecily, Sophie, Charlotte and Henry. All of the side cast characters are ones that the reader grows attached to through the trilogy, of which I was quite fond of all of them. I would have been disappointed had their story lines not had some closure as well.At the heart this is a story of love. Love of fellow shadowhunters, love of friendship, love of brotherhood, love of soul mates, love of family. For me, these words best describe the themes of this book: love, devotion, loyalty and honor.Favorite Quotes:"It was like I saw your soul in the notes of the music. And it was beautiful." (Tessa)"Our hearts, they need a mirror, Tessa. We see our better selves in the eyes of those who love us. And there is beauty that brevity alone provides." (Jem)"Sometimes one must choose whether to be kind or honorable...sometimes one cannot be both." (Will)"...the end of life is the sum of the love that was lived in it..." (Magnus)"Come back to me. For I cannot bear to lose all my heart." (Will)"You are the first dream of my soul, and from that dream I hope will come all other dreams, a lifetime's worth.""Life is a book, and there are a thousand pages I have not yet read. I would read them together with you, as many as I can, before I die --""Most people are lucky to have even one great love in their life. You have found two."If you are a fan of The Mortal Instruments and The Infernal Devices, then it's a no brainer. You MUST read this book. If you haven't yet checked out these series by Cassandra Clare I HIGHLY recommend them.Final Rating - 5 stars!
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